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    I am nearing completion of my water stream and have a question about sanding the concrete with a grinding stone.

    My concrete is very irregular and will be impossible to sand with a grinding stone.

    1. How important is the sanding prior to painting?

    2. If I use muric acid for cleaning will I need to sand?

    3. Is there an alternative to sanding with a grinding stone?

    4. Can I use water-based spray cans rather than the method you use in your tutorial if I use many very light coats.

    Your on-line tutorial has been very helpful in my project. I'll send pictures when I have it painted.
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2008 edited
    Happy Sculpting!
    It is OK that you are not able to grind every nook and cranny of your artificial rocks. This only adds to the realism of the final effect. Though you do want to scrape as much as possible as this will help to smooth the rouch concrete and give a drastically more realistic final effect.

    You do not need to scrpe the stones for any purposes other than dramatic effect. If you wish to skip the step, then by all means go ahead and do so. In regards to water based dpray cans, I have not used these with any level of success since you want the paint color to be very watered down. This will allow you to paint in multiple layers. Since the watered down paint is slightly translucent, it gives a "deeper" finished effect where all th different layers blend together as opposed to cover eachother.

    I hope this information will be helpful. If you would like to send pictures I would be happy to set up a user submitted content page on the main page.

    This of course goes for anyone else as well that wants to send in the pictures of the artificial rocks they have created.

    I hope this information is helpful.

    Steve Goodale
    Green Pools
    Happy Sculpting!
    You can also use a coarse grit, perhaps a 50 or 100 grit for green concrete, and this will simulate the effect of the scraping stone to a certain degree